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Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Oct 6, 2021
Moving the Toy to Gain a New Skill
If you know anything about me as a physical therapist, one of my most famous phrases is "it's not about the toy, it's about where you put...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Sep 22, 2021
Common Issues on the Stairs
Kids start learning stair skills as early as 12 months (some even earlier!), and are constantly progressing their skills to be adult-like...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Sep 1, 2021
Stair Milestones
We're going to talk about everything your child should be doing on the stairs as they grow from a crawler to a walker. I call these...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Aug 13, 2021
Advice to New PT Graduates
Physical therapy is an incredible field to go into. For those who don’t know, physical therapists go through undergraduate school and...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Jul 19, 2021
Why I Chose Pediatric Early Intervention as a Career
As brand new PT students, some of us know exactly where and with what population we want to work with. This was not the case for me. In...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Jun 24, 2021
My Child is Crawling- now what?
Crawling is a HUGE milestone! Crawling is baby’s first way of getting around that requires baby gates. Crawling can happen anywhere...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Jun 21, 2021
a Pediatric PT's Favorite Prime Day Toys
Prime Day starts today and we are here for all the deals! Here are some of my most recommended and favorite toys and products that are on...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Jun 2, 2021
A PT’s Most Important Advice
This is it- my biggest piece of advice to all new moms. You may be surprised. I find myself saying this to approximately 75% of new moms....

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
May 31, 2021
How Long Will my Child Need PT?
🔈🔈🔈PSA!! (if you want to skip the sappy stuff, scroll to the bottom)🔈🔈🔈 A very common question I get: “how long will he/she need PT...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
May 26, 2021
“Keep Your Eye on the Ball!” Visual Tracking in Pediatric Physical Therapy
Visual tracking is actually a vision milestone that a baby achieves around 4 months old. The definition is when a child focuses on and...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
May 24, 2021
The Importance of a Heel Raise
You heard it here first- heel raises don't only strengthen the calf muscles! In children, the heel raise is an important milestone that...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Apr 29, 2021
Sitting with a Boppy Pillow
A boppy pillow is a great prop to help with sitting. A boppy pillow can be used with prop sitters and new sitters to provide some support...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Apr 27, 2021
Rolling Tummy to Back
Has your little rolled to their belly, but then gotten mad that they couldn’t roll back? This is the post for you! Here are 3 steps...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Apr 22, 2021
My Child is Always Falling!
-Is your child tripping a lot? -Falling more than you think they should be? -Not paying attention to obstacles and bulldozing right...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Apr 17, 2021
How to Use Toy Placement to Gain a New Skill
It's not always about the toy, it's about where you put it! As a therapist, we have learned all of the tricks to teach your little one a...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Apr 15, 2021
Single Leg Balance Milestones
Single leg balance is an important skill to have for anyone and everyone. It is essential for many gross motor milestones, such as...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Apr 9, 2021
Baby Using Arms More than Legs when Pulling to Stand?
Do you have a little one who started pulling to stand or standing from your lap but they are using all arms and no legs? Here are some...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Mar 23, 2021
Torticollis Tips Round Up
If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I talk about Torticollis a lot. If you don't follow me, you should! There is some exclusive...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Mar 17, 2021
How to Improve Baby’s Core Strength
Lots of kids gain core strength through functional activities such as rolling, crawling, and kneeling. But for some, we have to work on...

Dr. Emily Stefan, PT, DPT
Mar 12, 2021
My Favorite Part About My Job
Getting personal on this one! I had a moment today that I want to share, so let’s dive in! Working in pediatric home health is such a...
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